Chapter 9. Light Energy

9.1. Everything in the universe is powered by Light Energy

LB   Life forms is indeed about structures, molecular structures. It is the foundation of the Universe too. All things are powered by Light energy. Whether it is for or against the Source, it is still powered by Light energy. The unconsciousness of the mind go against the Source, thinking that it is stronger than the Source, deranging molecular structure, yet still receiving Light energy. Light energy is not cut off from any structured life forms at all, in this universe, galaxy and the space. Do you understand that?

F: Yes but is it natural that in this Universe that life forms decay, break down and (interrupted)

9.2. Molecular derangement caused by unconsciousness which goes against the Creator

LB It decays, it breaks down; it is because of the molecular derangement. It’s the unconsciousness which goes against the Light Source but it is still powered by Light Source.

F Does it mean that if a universe that has received Light energy from the Source and after receiving, it has cut off source of connection, that means it has a finite amount of energy (interrupted)

LB It doesn’t get cut off. It doesn’t get cut off from the Light Source. It is just that because of the derangement of the molecules or particles that block some Light Source away. It is still powered by Light Source, no matter what. Nothing gets cut off.

F But what causes its decay despite still receiving Light?

LB It is the derangement of the molecules due to lacking of consciousness.

F That means the life forms within the galaxy have tampered with the molecular structure?

LB Not really tampered with; it is still the choice going against the Source. When you decided to go against the Source, the molecular structure begins to derange. This is what we mentioned to you about decision-making and sticking to it.

F That means, even students who have health problems will also have unconsciously and subconsciously made a decision against the Light Source. Would that be (interrupted)

LB This is conscious decision-making because they’ve received teaching from you and they still allow this unconsciousness to flourish, so to speak, in them; by not making a decision to be with Light.

9.3. All molecules arranged by direct Source energy contains higher energy matter

Borrowed energy is direct Source energy. All molecules arranged by direct Source energy contains higher energy matter although the molecular arrangement appears.

9.4. Light Energy is the purest form of energy

Light energy is the purest form of energy from the Primordial Source (from which we emerge). It is complete with energy that never depletes.

It is only with Pure Energy one can arrange sacred geometry and retrieve Source DNA information for reversal of entropy. Light Energy contains information that is coded in the form called sacred geometry which is the language of the universe.

Light energy has the highest level of coherence (order) and it is the most efficient and quickest way to transmit genetic info for healing cells body heart and mind.

Through our observation we can safely deduce that where there is Light, there will be life, energy and consciousness. We derive our energy from Light. Light energy is required for every conceivable process in life e.g. health, success, happiness, healing, thinking, digestion, assimilation, you name it. When one lacks energy, one may not be able to handle life’s challenges.

Where there is no Light, life will not exist. Life and consciousness is made possible because of this living energy that permeates the entire universe.

In nature, Primordial Source transfers evolutionary information, energy and matter to all life in the universe through the five elements that represent the five fundamental geometrical structures. We evolved with information and Light energy from the Primordial Source.

Such being the case, we must indeed focus our attention on Light Energy and we must find an effective way of cultivating it within our bodies.

9.5. Tapping Light Energy is to help souls return to Source

Transmission 20 May 2012.

Tapping Light Energy is just not to be able to carry out daily activities; to be able to do what they plan to do on this plane. This is to be able to HELP THEIR SOULS TO RETURN TO THE SOURCE, the Source, the place of origin; that is very important and they must get it. Emphasize on to be able TO REPLENISH ENERGY IS NOT THE KEY POINT HERE; that’s not the key point to align to the Source. This is just mainly selfish objective; that’s not the three principles. Everything explained, must be in accordance to the three principles. And it’s only the Source energy that can salvage the soul to return them to the Creator. There are many, many lost souls, souls which have lost their consciousness. And this is very important for them to know. Too much emphasis is on this plane and this is not balanced. There are not enough illustrations on the three principles; examples from every different angle, so that they can be awakened to their blind areas; areas which they failed to see. …It’s not just to educate them how to replenish their energy for carrying out their daily activities. It has got to be a deeper awakening. This is not for them to learn something new, additional knowledge to them. It’s to awaken them, AWAKEN THEIR FOUR BODIES, AWAKEN THEIR SOULS; to awaken their souls BY FORMING GEOMETRY. Speak from the angle of touching the soul, not just for understanding; it’s for the mind to connect to the soul in alignment with the SOURCE. … it is for deepening their understanding not their need, the soul’s need to be reconnected to the Source.

  1. global situation, human moral values are all declining. These are the signs of moving away from the Source; the further you move away from it, then one is setting oneself for destruction. Connect to the Source is completion, away from the Source means destruction, degeneration. This is what the world is today, heading for destruction. Point it out to them, make them aware of these, GUIDE THEM BACK TO THE SUPREME BEING; return to being complete, whole and complete. This is the message; THIS IS THE CORE MESSAGE.

9.6. The Soul body

A soul incarnates as a human to learn lesson in life thru many lifetimes with sole purpose of refining human nature. Completion of human evolution is achieved once the beings learns & resolves all Issues & Attachments in accordance with Laws & Principles of this realm.

The emotional body is indeed the soul. The mental and physical body will be discarded at the end of each incarnation. So we shouldn’t be too hung up with the mind. It is merely a quantum processor to assist us in learning.

The soul is a very lovely being that sticks with us through the rough and tumble and takes care of us throughout our journey with eternal patience. It has one main objective that is to bring us home after we complete our lessons. Read the transmission again. Source wants us to return the souls home. Why do you think He mentioned with such urgency? The way humans carry out their lives nowadays with utter disregard for others has endangered the soul with that damning frequencies. We have crossed the red line. Lost disembodied souls n spirits are strewn everywhere to be harvested by counter-evolutionary forces. Humans have been have taken the bait hook line and sinker.

  1. Atlanteans have rebuilt their technological empire with our help. They know we possess within us the structure of 'Gods' that they can make use of to achieve their ends. All they need to do is just keep us busy with ourselves while they 'milk' our capabilities. Meanwhile they wipe out divine components completely from our kids. y are still here. Could you see the Atlantean vs Lemurian saga playing up one more time?

We are of Lemurian heritage. Peace loving beings.

The Atlanteans have a hand in distorting human origin history and Source teachings with our help obviously. Jesus came to correct the teachings of monotheistic Judaism and gave birth to Christianity. The Romans who were proxies to the Atlanteans immediately incorporated their polytheistic/ paganism religion with the teachings of Jesus to form Catholism. More distortion took place when Christianity was incorporated to Islam. A superior form of Christanity. The Buddha's teachings was not spared too. The Tibetans incorporated Buddhism into their religion bon. Likewise the Indians incorporated Buddhism into Brahmanism to create Hinduism. Etc etc It is the Atlantean frequencies in these distorted teachings that create so much havoc to humanity. These frequencies keep on dividing and fragmenting everything.

What do you think will happen to the spirit/soul of our children spouses family and people who have been hardwired to external drives that society provides them?

9.7. Expending energy externally will cause immortal components to shrivel up and die

When people expend all their energy/ essence externally to achieve human ideals, the transcendental / immortal components within them will shrivel up and die eventually. (It is easy to see now why there is a need to have an energetic system to compensate for loss of energy so that the four bodies could be balanced quickly). How are these people going to ascend without transcendental components? Which realm will they end up in? Not to freak you out but to tell you the truth the Founder has found many deceased people have ended up within the jurisdiction of 'hell'. Hardly anybody gets an angelic send off. It is obvious isn’t it if one doesn’t invest energy/essence in building ascension components for transcending the triple realm. They refer the triple realm as the three realms of heaven human and hell. It is better to find out the truth while you are alive so that you can take action now. Not that you can’t pursue your ideals, you can. But the four bodies should be in a state of equilibrium.

9.8. True frontier for learning about life & creation is infinite. Everything is written in Light

It is the norm for any student to expect to be given a full manual to study a subject but this is indeed a static approach and students can only regurgitate what they study. This is not the correct approach for a CLT student. It is because the true frontier for learning about life and creation is infinite. And everything is written in Light. A CLT student has to use the system to read the hidden manual that is written in Light. For the deeper truths are hidden and cannot be spoken. This is the path towards enlightening oneself.

CLT is an 'experiential' system. We don’t just sit on our couch in the warmth n comfort of our home and read about pure love. We have to go out on a limb and experience pure love.

9.9. Use Light Energy from CLT System to correct molecular arrangement

When someone raises a question we are in fact presenting a set of deranged molecules to the listener. The right way to approach it is to use light energy from the CLT system to correct the molecular arrangement to the one which represents the truth to the question so that we can understand it. We require energy to FORM an understanding. Why don’t we all step inside the CLT system? It is like admiring a 'Ferrari' from the outside but never getting inside to drive it.

To understand biology, we need to study the elements of biology so that we can use the elements of what we have studied to understand human biology. Can we understand biology without knowing what a heart or a lung is? Obviously not. So when we are presented with such a question like "why only 3 main principles and not 4 or 5 . Is there a significance ?" This is indeed a very profound question. We need to study the core of CLT teaching the sacred geometry to answer this question which is referring to the tripod of life. A student must have pure intention to study the teachings.