CLT Booklet - Full Book Version: This version contains all chapters within a single document.  Please refer to "CLT Booklet - By Chapters" which is meant for ease of reading/browsing by chapters.

1. Impact of Genetic Entropy on mankind & Planet Earth and the search for reversal leads to the need of connecting with the original programmer of human genome (Creator)


1.1. Current global problems are due to genetic entropy

The current global scene is a vivid reflection of the degradation of mankind at the core. Despite being confronted with all these challenges, mankind is more      preoccupied with material pursuits and gratification on the physical realm than in critical issues concerning the survival of the human race and planet Earth. Life is perceived by most to be of one dimensional and physical in nature; devoid of spirit and conscience.

Whatever the world has become today results from wrong human assessment and choices that are made by grossly degraded human brains. External manifestations are reflection of the internal wiring of the collective human consciousness. It is indeed an indisputable fact that human genetics has been corrupted at the very core.

According to research statistics, the number of children with autism has gone from 1 in 5,000 in 1975 to 1 in 68 today. And Dr. Stephanie Seneff, research scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) issued a warning that at today’s rate, half of all children i.e. one in two will be autistic by 2025! If these children with impaired brain functions are going to be the decisions-makers of the future, then we are in graver predicament than we are already in. By the time they take over the reins, their brain functionality would have deteriorated exponentially. We can now ascribe the current world’s dilemma as consequences of decisions-making by dysfunctional brains.

We are witnessing this prevalent trend even in our CLT community where children have inherited a host of biological dysfunctions that include Down syndrome, autism, ADHD and dyslexia.

1.2. Genome & genetic entropy

It is indeed an indisputable fact that human genetics has been corrupted at the very core and that all the problems we face in the world now is due to genetic entropy which is the gradual loss of genetic info in the human genome that is irreversible.

The genome is the sum total of all our genetic makeup. It is basically an instruction manual, much like a computer programme, on how to build a human cell and how to build a human body. Genetic entropy is the gradual loss of functional genetic information that causes life to eventually cease. Even the leading geneticists have acknowledged that science is unable to halt genetic entropy that is leading humans to extinction. And our genetic predisposition, lifestyle and nutrition determine how, when and where genetic damage will manifest.

1.3. Scientists acknowledge there is an intelligent design behind all creations, including our genome

According to Dr John Sanford, a plant geneticist and inventor who conducted research at Cornell University for more than 25 years, “We are a galaxy of design, complexity and amazing functionality but it is the genome that contains all the information that enables that. It is an amazing information system. It is very hard to imagine how that came together. More and more, it looks like top-down design and not just bottom-up chance discovery of making complex systems.”

That is an awed acknowledgement of divine creations. In other words, we should resolve the problem top-down through reconnection with the Source of our genetic blueprint and not approach from a disconnected state of bottom-up which is in denial of intelligent design.

Dr Dean Kenyon, a leading chemical evolution theorist in the world acknowledged that there is an intelligent design behind all creations. In the years since Kenyon’s rejection of chemical evolution, science reveals the details of an entire system of information processing that bears the hallmarks of intelligent designs.

1.4. What causes genetic entropy?

Evidence from quantum physics back in 1920s reviewed that human consciousness exacts a chaotic effect on the matter and destroys info at the DNA level during scientific experiments when the scientist is involved in the experiment. Each time when the scientist observed the experiment, he caused a collapse of the wave function. This implies that human consciousness creates havoc and destroys info at the DNA level.

Could this be the main reason why science and technology (the products of human consciousness) wreak the same kind of havoc in nature at the macro level? Human technology has by far proven to accelerate entropy. It is a system that is characterized by devolution, deterioration, increasing disorder, decay, instability, inefficiency, ultimate disorder and extinction.

Contrast this with the eco-technological system of nature which promotes ectropy or anti entropy - a system that is characterized by evolution, development, increasing order, growth, stability, efficiency, super economy, life and ultimate order.

In our final analysis, the problems of the world today stem from genetic entropy at the very core. The human brain which becomes degraded has a consciousness level which leads man to wrong human assessment and choice. Hence, human consciousness must be the root cause of genetic entropy.

1.5. There is no scientific solutions to reversing genetic entropy

Geneticists are acknowledging that there is no prospect for any type of scientific breakthrough to significantly extend our life span beyond what it is because of the nature of this degenerative process in our own body. And Dr John Sanford added the following. “That’s really fundamental and it's very personal because we are experiencing genetic entropy personally. No one can contest that. Personal genetic entropy is non-contestable fact that no scientist on the planet can deny because it is why we die and so what's happening is every gene and every chromosome in every cell in my body is mutating and so that guarantees my ageing and my death. It means that we are perishing people, living in a dying world and that is so profound it makes the need for salvation so personal and so immediate.”

The present yardstick or criteria for measuring the worth and functionality of a person (such as affluence, etc.) needs to be re-examined and jettisoned. We have a moral responsibility towards future generations and owe it to them by not undermining their opportunities of a truly human life, with incorrect assessment of values, actions and choices on our part.

Therefore, isn't it imperative that the issue of brain degradation of our sons and daughters be addressed now, as the future of Earth and Mankind is in their hands! Not all is in vain; only if we pull the brakes on the devastation of human functionalities now.

So to fix the problems, we need to fix/reverse the genome or at least halt genetic entropy. Is this possible? How does one go about it?

Fr HG’s healing experience, we have evidence that those who executed preventative measures and regimes to restore the brain have achieved promising results. That means, reversal of genetic damage is achievable with commitment to act without delay upon awareness.

1.6. The solution to reversal of genetic entropy is to connect to the Creator – the original programmer of human genome

Albert Einstein hit the nail when he said that problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them. So, to address the critical issue of genetic entropy, mankind is left with no other alternative than to search, find and plea for help from the Primordial Programmer or the Creator that has programmed us with all the functional genetic information and provided us with all the genetic material and energy.

Irrespective of our racial background, this search will converge in the same spiritual realm where the answer lies. Somehow we must strive to reconnect to the source of our creation.

1.7. Spiritual path is the search for lost genetic information

Anyone who embarks on a spiritual path is, in fact, unknowingly searching for lost genetic information to restore declining human functions. The clarity of this revelation should impel any being with a little common sense to immediately act upon it.

1.8. Salvaging mankind is reversing entropy by substantiating all the lost genetic information of our multidimensional bodies and restoring to the primordial status

So when referring to the statement, our Creator salvaging mankind, it really means reversing entropy or achieving negative entropy by substantiating all the lost genetic information of our multidimensional bodies and restoring them to primordial status or the original default settings. No human can ever hope to achieve such a feat with the exception of our Primordial Programmer or Creator. It is only through re-establishing connection and communication with the Source can we ever hope to achieve the state of immortality that has been alluded in all ancient sacred texts.

If our disclosure appeals to your reasoning, then you must set aside your prejudiced and conditioned mind to immediately address genetic entropy. Otherwise, we will have a generation of children that will not outlive their parents. Irrespective of whichever pathways you choose, at least you are now aware that these fundamental problems must still be comprehensively addressed and not permitted to perpetuate generation after generation. The timeline for the manifestation of genetic damage for each individual will differ and depend on the dynamics of your living and working conditions, diet and lifestyle. In other words, genetics loads the gun and post-natal conditions will pull the trigger. To avert a potential catastrophe of human and planetary extinction, we must act to safely defuse this ticking time-bomb - the inherent genetic damage.

1.9. Repeated violations of natural laws leave imprints on our genes

When we express love incorrectly or when we don't express love in our lives, we violate laws of the universe. With repeated violations, these imprints on our genes become our genetic predisposition. Our genetic disposition then controls the way we express ourselves; it will be in a manner of continuous violation of laws with or without awareness of it. The structure of the genetics is in locked down mode. We are no longer able to change our mentality or make choices that are beyond the scope of our genetic predisposition. This path of evolution humans have taken has been referred by scientists as genetic entropy. We are evolving towards extinction. The only way to reverse this process is through cultivation. Scientists instead cause further violations of laws by editing the genes, using their own methods.

2.  The search for reversal of genetic entropy leads to connection to Prime Creator & the development of the CLT Practice Cultivation System

2.1. The Founder, the discovery of Light Energy & the fundamental characteristics of Light

HG Academy of CLT was established in 2001 by Mr Bobby Ooi. That is when and where he began his investigation into crystal healing, crystal gridding and the cultivation of energy using crystals together with a small group of practitioners.

Along the way, he also found out that there is more to this human body than meets the eye. There are hidden mechanisms of supernormal abilities that could be retrieved and activated with crystals. Such mechanism allows one to peer into the other realms and dimension which has been commonly known as the third eye. The other is the mechanism for communication with beings from different realms of creation.

With the little measure of energy he gained through the cultivation practice using crystal, he directed his focus on this energy that heals in an attempt to unravel its fundamental nature. Thereafter, he recorded his findings in the first CLT handbook. He just wrote what he saw through contemplation; referring to this energy as Light Energy and ascertained the three fundamental characteristics of Light i.e. Love, Truth and Selflessness.

He also discovered that in order to facilitate the connection to this energy for healing one must also express these three fundamental characteristics of Light. It was from this foundation of understanding, he assembled the CLT energetic system.

Though many people came for healing, CLT teaching was not well received for few could relate to its bizarre and radical concepts. No one has ever taught such form of teaching in public. Could this be an advent of a new teaching on the horizon? Or did the founder cook up the whole story?

2.2. Founder contacted by the Prime Creator

Having understood how to connect to light energy and channelled it for healing, it is not unreasonable to believe that we can use light energy to trace it back to its source of origin.

It was not until 2011 the Founder was finally contacted by Source through a channelled transmission validating the CLT teachings and revealing its origin.

 3. The Origin of CLT

The following is an excerpt from the transmission:

3.1. The School of Eye of Horus

“This School is the School of Eye of Horus. This School existed right in the beginning, when everything was created. This School and it is the only School that gives you the wisdom of the space whether you call it the universe, the galaxy, the Milky Way, whatever name you can imagine. If there is a slight contamination in the teachings, that will be the end of it. The laws which all the religions talk about are the laws of the School. Now these laws are about these THREE PRINCIPLES OF LOVE, TRUTH and SELFLESSNESS. And this is the TRUTH. To love, is to love without ego, love is not about controlling, you express love, you just merely express the characteristic of Light. It doesn’t come with control or condition, or to even influence. This is the true essence of love.” (21-8-11)

In the universe, there are many different dimensions. The Eye of Horus School governs all those who are in the Triple Realm, whereas the Lemurian School is the guardian of the whole dimension on this third dimension.

The School of Eye of Horus was formed when the ego takes control. The teachings were given to lead them back to their birthplace of origin. That’s how, that’s the reason, the School of Eye of Horus was formed.

3.2. The Lemurian School is a sub-division of the School of Eye of Horus

Lemurian School is part of the Eye of Horus School. The Lemurian School has all the information regarding this dimension. The Eye of Horus School which holds the teachings is for salvation whilst the Lemurian School, being a sub-division of the Eye of Horus School is responsible for structuring geometry and acts as guardians for the third dimension. Lemurian civilization has been watchers of the solar system for the past 2 million years.

The Lemurian School has all the information regarding this dimension. The Eye of Horus School is for salvation; that’s the difference. It encompasses more, it holds the teaching.

What the Lemurians do was mainly structuring geometry; the Eye of Horus is the teaching. The Lemurians have the knowledge, they belong to the Eye of Horus School too. It is like what the modern day calls it, a sub-division. In this vast universe there are many different dimensions. Lemurians mainly take care of the third dimension (the triple realm). The Eye of Horus covers all the dimensions.”

The (CLT) cultivation practice is actually the practice of the Eye of Horus School and the Lemurians are practicing this system.

3.3. HG Academy (School) is both the Eye of Horus and Lemurian School

HG Academy is both the Eye of Horus School and the Lemurian School. HG Academy (School) is the Lemurian School and you are also the Eye of Horus School because you hold the teaching.

3.4. Mission of HG Academy of CLT

LB Explain mission of the School. When you carry out your mission, you will be guided. This is how you received the transmission. This is exactly how you carry out your mission, heightening consciousness in mankind, healing Earth, structuring geometry and imprints to meet the objectives. You will receive guidance and the guidance is through transmission.

 4. The Revelation of the Lemuria-Atlantis Saga & the infiltration on human genetics

4.1. Lemurians migrated to Earth (Triple Realm) two millions years ago as watchers and guardians

The Lemurians actually came (to Earth) two millions years ago as watchers and guardians of the third dimension. There were many migration periods, they came and left many times, merely as guardian of this place, setting the imprint, preparing the ground for the fallen angels (Atlanteans). The last was about 50,000 years ago.

The Lemurians migrated from the stars, they merely wanted to help, maintain the consciousness, maintain the characteristics of Light, and salvage existence in going into degeneration and destruction.

The Lemurians were very, very powerful. They were like gods because they were in total alignment with Him. So, they were like Him.

The Lemurians have existed way before Atlanteans came, evolving on Earth.

4.2. Lemurians evolved on Earth

There were two groups of Lemurians, the pure breed Lemurians who came to Earth and they evolved. The Lemurians didn’t look like what humans do today.

They could exit the system but the Lemurians bred from the Atlanteans could not exit the system.

4.3. The Altantis civilization – the start of genetic infiltration

The Atlanteans were the fallen angels who left the heavens, where the Source is; they came to Earth about 50,000 years ago, migrating from the stars. The Atlanteans did not have pure consciousness. They were fallen angels with Lemurian knowledge.

The Atlanteans were the ones that created hybrid of Lemurians, using their own DNAs. The Atlanteans bred Lemurian-like and infiltrated into the system (DNAs), just like what is happening now. So, there are Lemurians half-breed and Lemurian pure breed. The Son of Serpent is the one that is bred by the Atlanteans.

The Atlanteans didn’t last long. It’s a short civilization; 10,000 years. These civilizations were self-destruct.

4.4. Half-breed Lemurians turned away from Source & headed for destruction due to ego

Though the Lemurians were of higher consciousness, part of them turned away from the Source. Even with high consciousness, as long as you are within this dimension, you must be in alignment with the Source or else you can easily turn away from the Source and set for your own destruction. When you turn away from the Source, your geometry becomes deranged and slowly you self-destruct.

Just look at the world today, geometry has been destructured and when this happens, this geometry becomes destructive and destroyed. It happened in every civilization.

Though the Lemurians themselves also as watchers/guardians of the triple realm, part of them, not all the Lemurians are so faithful to the Founder. The main source of this problem is still the attachment to the ego. The ego destroys, destructures, degenerates, deforms. The ego steers one away from Light. Attachment of the ego blocks the connection. That’s why the civilization goes down the same way in history. Those who were with the Source could foresee this, so lock all this knowledge as codes in the crystals and exit from the dimension to go back to the Source as Light workers.

4.5. Pure breed Lemurians left and work as Light Beings

The Lemurians didn’t stop the Atlanteans from anchoring on Earth because this is the school of enlightenment, to provide the opportunity for them (Atlanteans) to get enlightened.

With the infiltration, the Lemurians have locked their information/records in these crystals before the civilization came to an end and are Light Beings (Light Workers)

4.6. Lemurians & Atlanteans Today – Infiltrated DNAs

Those who self-destroy still retain some of their consciousness. They still have the seed of Light. That’s why they are existing today to activate the seed of Light, germinate the seed of Light. They need Light energy. Some of you here are the Lemurians, some of you here are the Atlanteans and some of you here are the crossbreeds. There’s a mixture here in the School. All have the seed of Light in you, waiting to germinate. It can be activated only with the teaching. The teaching have the geometry, the teaching is the geometry; search no further.

The School’s students have the resistance because they have DNAs which are infiltrated. The students here just like some groups of human beings here belong to the fallen angels category, some belong to serpents category, some belong to reptilian category, some belong to simply Light Beings category. Not all are fallen angels.

The infiltration of DNAs caused the resistance to surrender to Source.

5. Original Templates of Creation given to HG Academy

5.1. Source Teachings from School of Eye of Horus to guide beings back to original birthplace

The School of Eye of Horus was formed when the ego takes control. The teachings were given to lead them back to its birthplace of origin. That’s how, that’s the reason, the School of Eye of Horus was formed.

5.2. The original templates of creation given to HG to reverse distorted DNA (frequency) and to enable practitioners to identify Source frequency from non-Source frequency

During the Lemuria-Atlantis period, the frequency was distorted. Because of the distortion, HG was given the original templates of creation so we can (and have to) learn how to identify Source frequency from non-Source frequency. That is why the original templates were given to us – from there only we can understand the character of Source.

The original templates were given to practitioners in the first and second original transmission as below: (Note: Source = Prime Creator; F=Founder of HG Academy)

5.3. Up Close & Personal with the Prime Creator

The Founder considers transmission 1 and 2 to be the most important of all the transmissions. We have been given unprecedented access to knowing the true fundamental nature of our Creator/Source. We now know why the circumstances that we are in, are the way they are now.


Transmission 1/ 210811

Source: Yes. The Eye of Horus, you can call this School, the Eye of Horus. This School existed right in the beginning when everything was created. This School and it is the only school that gives you the wisdom of the space whether you call it the universe, the galaxy, the Milky Way, whatever name you can imagine. If there is a slight contamination in the teachings, that will be the end of it. THE LAWS WHICH ALL THE RELIGIONS TALK ABOUT ARE THE LAWS OF THE SCHOOL. Now these laws about these three principles of love, truth and selflessness. And this is the truth. To love, is to love without ego, love is not about controlling, you express love, you just merely express the characteristic of Light. It doesn’t come with control or condition, or to even influence. This is the true essence of love.

Transmission 2/ 170411:

Source That’s how I allow the wrongdoings happening here. I don’t stop that too.

F Why is that?

Source I do not stop all the wrongdoings. By stopping all these, humans don’t learn. That’s the Law. You learn, embrace, practise and transcend. If there’s no learning, which means there’s no teaching, where do they transcend? And what realm it is based on? That’s the Law, this can’t be stopped. This is my allowing but when my School, or my teaching has been interfered with, I WILL PUT A STOP TO THAT. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED. MY TEACHINGS IS NOT TO BE INTERFERED WITH.

F You mean the forces that interfere?

Source That’s right. No one is allowed to get in the way of the progress of the School. (17-04-11)

6. Universal Laws & Principles

6.1. What are natural laws?

Universal laws were created since the beginning of time. These laws are necessary in order that all beings in the universe could co-exist in peace and harmony.

There is a universal law in every single relationship in our lives. Hence, it is of utmost importance to know, understand and follow these laws so we get out of harm’s way.

6.2. 3Ps are the foundation of all universal laws

The three principles of Love, Truth and Selflessness (3Ps) are the foundation of all the universal laws. Every single law of creation is based upon these three principles. It is these three fundamental principles that keep the Universe in existence.

3Ps can also be understood to be the character of the universe and the original character of all life and forms in creation. It is these fundamental principles that keep the Universe in existence.

The 3Ps creates a living intelligent energy field. With 3Ps and laws of the universe we can handle the energetics without violations.

6.3. 3Ps

6.3.1. What is the true essence of Love?

To love, is to love without ego, without being judgmental. Love is not about controlling, you express love, you just merely express the characteristic of Light. It doesn’t come with control or condition, or to even influence. This is the true essence of love.

With love one is happy. When one is not happy, it’s the complete opposite of love.

Pure love is the special kind of love that we are referring to that heals and transforms life is generated by Light which is infinite; a kind of love which also embodies the three fundamental principles of Love, Truth & Selflessness.

LOVE is our means to dissolve all the barriers humans built between themselves and the rest of creation. It is not the ordinary kind of love that everybody is pandering. There is little power and energy in it. Whereas this special kind of love that we are referring to can only be built with the power of Light energy from the primordial Source of creation. We can learn to transmit such kind of love to heal and transform our lives and the world we live in only through learning the CLT System of receiving Light Energy from Source.

To communicate at different energetic levels of existence in the universe requires one to have pure energy in the heart. We call it self-love when you use this language to communicate with your own higher bodies.

6.3.2. What is Truth?

Truth is free of attachment. Anything which human mind attach to becomes an idea, fixated idea, a fixated belief that is only one aspect of the whole picture which doesn’t represent the truth. It’s only when one is free of all attachments, one can see what truth means. What one believes to be the truth is only one aspect of the picture which doesn’t represent the truth.

Truth is not to look at things from just one particular perspective; not to be judgmental.

6.3.3. What is Selflessness?

It is not about self. But if one does not take care of oneself, this will affect those around him or her. That’s the selflessness. It’s not about not taking care of oneself but to take care of others. This is the disguised form of selflessness.

You have to look after yourself, your health, and your four bodies before you can help others because without that you cannot. The energy field will affect those around you. If you are unhappy, you have no love. When you have no love, you are out of the teachings of the school. With this energy that you carry around, you’ll affect those around you. No doubt you don’t see it, you don’t see the manifestation but they are affected without anybody knowing it.

6.3.4. The Expression of 3Ps and Law of Free Will

Free will is the highest expression of love from the Primordial Source.

Expressions of free will includes allowing, love without control or influence.

When we express these 3Ps together with abiding by the Law of Free Will, we are expressing the special kind of love that harmonizes all relationships in the universe because we are conforming to all universal laws that safeguard not just our interests but the interests of every being in creation. 

When we are able to express all 3Ps simultaneously, we are expressing the special kind of love – UNIVERSAL LOVE/PURE LOVE that harmonizes all relationships in the universe because we are conforming to all universal laws that safeguard not just our interests but the interests of every being in creation. The pure love flowing, reciprocating and merging between two parties create vesica piscis (loving collaboration) which generates Light Energy.

The root cause of all problems is that the core of the human hearts at this tumultuous stage of Earth’s history is void of PURE LOVE/UNIVERSAL LOVE and as such all decisions and actions taken have been built on the wrong fundamentals instead of LOVE, TRUTH & SELFLESSNESS, which is the true fundamental nature of humans. Universal love, the special kind of love that heals and transforms life is generated by Light which is infinite; a kind of love which also embodies the three fundamental principles of Love, Truth & Selflessness.

The void of pure love in our hearts led to entanglements in all of our relationships in our lives – be it between us and our body (cells/organs), between us and our family/friends/co-workers, between us and the local community (neighbours, social clubs), between us and beings in the environment, between us and Planet Earth. This has resulted in division and differences instead of love and common understanding in our relationships. Families argue, companies compete, countries struggle for power.

Universal Love is our means to dissolve all the barriers humans built between themselves and the rest of creation. It is not the ordinary kind of love that everybody is pandering. There is little power and energy in it. Whereas this special kind of love that we are referring to can only be built with the power of Light energy from the primordial Source of creation. We can learn to transmit such kind of love to heal and transform our lives and the world we live in only through learning the CLT System of receiving Light Energy from Source

6.4. Depletion of energy caused by violations of universal laws

All problems emerge because mankind is not aware of the universal laws and hence go about lives violating these laws continuously.

When one goes against these laws, one creates resistance in one’s life which manifests in the form of health, financial and/or relationship issues. Issues then repeat and magnify because one keeps losing essence and go on violating without these laws.

6.5. Violations of laws caused by inability to discern right from wrong

Humans can't discern right from wrong because the principles which humans adopt as a foundation of their thinking, expression and discernment in general is not UNIVERSAL in character and this caused them to violate the natural laws. Mankind enacts laws as if there are no other beings that exist in the universe other than themselves; in other words, the foundation of their laws and thinking is not universal. This is a valid point that explains why they are unable to discern truth although there are elements of love (with conditions) under their laws.

6.6. What is the consequence of going against the natural laws?

From the energetic perspective, the root cause of all problems which lead to depletion of energy is the way we express energy which is not in accordance and hence violates the universal laws. Violations of these laws create a path of resistance which consumes much more energy than if we were to adhere to the universal laws.

When we do not know or do not follow the Universal laws, we act based on our own fundamentals which are not in sync with nature and the universe. It is like swimming upstream where we need much more energy which creates resistance for ourselves.

When we express energy in a manner which goes against the flow of the universe, we create a path of resistance and would use up much more energy than if we were to adhere to the universal laws.

Many are not aware of the existence of these natural laws and violate unknowingly so the depletion continues. Thus we end up not having enough energy to act, to think, to plan, to harmonise, to love, to care etc. Continued violations deplete energy till human essences are drawn to the last drop.

6.7. CLT Practitioners are enlightened to the truth that they can exercise their free will to be with Source

You (CLT Practitioners) are very fortunate to be enlightened to the truth that you can exercise your free will to be with Source or not to be with Source because you have access to Source teachings. At the kind of depths of the triple realm that humans are in, they will be so blinkered that free will to them will inevitably result in more violations. So you must understand free will within the context of the paragraph. Within the realm of human desires we really can’t tell the top from the bottom without cultivation.

6.8. Case study on understanding the Law of free will

6.8.1. Case study 1

Note P: Practitioner

P  I just have a few questions. Right now, I have a lot of rashes, for the first time in my life. It disturbs me, to the extent, I cannot sleep sometime. The rashes is one thing, the other one is, sometime I feel as though I have blockage in my head and I cannot think straight. I am not able to think and I cannot focus at all. It really bothers me.

LB You overstretched yourself. Don’t stretch your limits and you will be ok. Do you get that?

P As in, do too much things?

LB Yes, take it slow and you can do even more. And you don’t even stretch yourself beyond your limits.

P Know my limits?

LB You are going beyond your limits. Your body needs a good rest. Your whole system is overworking for you; that is why, there are blockages all over. The system needs to rest; the body needs to heal itself. You also feel that life is unfulfilled, that’s why you have to do more than your body can take, in order to feel that you are fulfilled. You are like him but you are doing the opposite of what he’s doing. You learn from one another. Look deeper within you, there’s emptiness; that’s why you keep yourself busy and get satisfied after doing that. You are overtaxing your body, your emotional body, by suppressing too, physical body, making it work too hard for you, mental body, when your spiritual body, you have issues in your spiritual body. Slow down, you will know what it is. You over-extend yourself. Just remember, by slowing down, look deep within you, you will also shine in a different manner. You will find that your life is even more fulfilled than now. Look within, you have the answer. You have the guiding principles, you also have the awareness. Elevate your awareness and see it from a broader perspective. Learn from one another. You are each other’s teacher. You will see a transformed family, even with your daughters’ health issues, emotional issues. They are bearing your pain for you because they are part of you. With the teachings from the School, you can help yourself and also people around you, where those you are concerned about. This is the purpose of the School. Any other concern?

P Um, I don’t quite understand when you said, slow down. Slow down, in terms of, work in the office or getting the kids to learn Chinese which they find the most challenging?

LB You slow down and look further down; you have a discovery of yourself. You do a stock-check on yourself. It’s just not the work; it’s more to that. The work is only a part of it.

P   Part of it is also, we spent a lot of time trying to get the kids to do Chinese. Do we need to (interrupted. 

LB   Focus on yourself first, then you will know how to guide the children. Love yourself first, then you will know how to love them. Loving them is not to expect them to be who you want them to be. There is still the law of free will. Love is to love without having to worry. You love because it is your nature to love. It is very positive energy to express, to inspire but not to control. Controlling comes from ego. It is not the expression of Light. To love, is to set someone free. You can nurture your children, use the three principles to help you in parenting; is the only way to slow down and you get to conserve more energy and you will know what is best for yourself and for your family. You will feel lighter, you will surely feel fulfilling. You will surely feel loved, a taste of unconditional love. You only get to taste the flavour of this love when you do the same. You don’t love with expectation, you love because it is your nature to love. You are activating this innate nature, the fundamental nature that you have in you. That is the power and this is the truth. There are guidelines given by your master to take care of yourself. This is the way to practise, the way to liberate yourself from this bondage; a bondage that you have been conditioned and this bondage will lead you to destruction, cause you even more suffering, creating more negativities. You are here in this part of the world for a reason. It’s not as simple as doing it out of your choice. And you will know what the reason is. Any other concern?

P How do we deal with family expectations?

LB Deal with yourself first. You don’t even know how to deal with yourself; let alone with other people. Do you see that? This is a pattern in you. If you know how to deal with yourself, you will know how to deal with that. It is the same with everyone. You transform yourself and, at the same time, you will see others transform.

P You see, I am always stretching myself, I feel I am not doing enough, that I am not challenging myself enough, that I feel I can do so much more but I just can’t.

LB We have discussed that earlier, didn’t we? Why do you do this to yourself? It’s because of emptiness, which you have been told earlier. Not doing enough is because you still find that you are still empty inside and you just want to fill up this emptiness in you. There is no emptiness in you; it’s all because you don’t love yourself. Overstretch yourself is the way to punish yourself. Forgive, forgive what you have done in the past; it’s no point, living with it anymore. Forgive and forgive yourself too.

6.8.2. Case study 2

LB The teachings are here to help humans to transcend.

F Not to further their aims, you mean?

LB   Other than that, this’s merely illusion. They can choose to follow their illusions or to decide to follow the truth or half-truth.

F The last transmission is quite amazing when something was said that, someone could also express the belief but not express the practice. It’s a very deep insight. There are people who are actually expressing the belief without practising; without practicing what they cultivate. So, it’s only at the realm of expressing what they believe but they don’t practise what they believe. So, with this view and the true situation with the School here, what more can I do for them?

LB Talk to them and hold back.

F Hold the energies?

LB Absolutely. You can lead but don’t get involved in their mistakes. Warn them, guide them, teach them. DONT MESS WITH THEIR FREE WILL.

6.8.3. Case study 3

F We just finished the preview and we delivered the way we have planned. Need your feedback.

LB Yes, it was good. I am sure you are happy with that.

F Yes, I felt that was very good too.

LB Yes, that’s because you assembled yourself energetically. The immense of your field, your confidence is there, the structure is there, and also now most of you are seriously looking at helping yourself. The intensity of what has been shared has since, some way, structured the geometry in the participants. Some have been awakened, some have been shaken of their core beliefs and some are still in denial but deep down there is transformation. But, everyone has to beware when there is transformation, there will be ferocious attacks on the School at even greater level. Everyone has to guard themselves. Take serious note of this. Everyone must observe what has been taught by the School and practise what you have learnt or else you are doing the School a disservice, you are doing your master a disservice, without you understanding, realizing the extent of the strong opposing forces.

You help to deliver this information to the public; at the same time, you have to protect and take care of yourself. If you fail to do that, you have been operating from your ego and not from the School’s principles. It’s only when you apply the principles, you can protect yourself, you can salvage yourself. Fear not, just do it consciously. There’s been transformation on the subtle level in the participants. There ought to be transformation on a greater level in everyone here. If you uphold what you have learnt, dearly, you see yourself transformed, it will be the new you; an identity which is close to your fundamental nature or else, (if) you fail to do that, you are draining everyone’s energy. No one is being spared from being drained. Everyone is guilty of draining, everyone sucks energy. One has to be very clear on this. TRANSCENDENCE IS POSSIBLE IF YOU EXERCISE YOUR FREE WILL TO BE WITH THE SOURCE. And you will see the transformation in your surroundings, in the environment, in the people around you. When you have transcended to a different level, you will see that everyone around you, every single life form transcends together with you.

F We will deliver this message to the supporting practitioners. Any further message before we adjourn

LB This is an urgent message; nothing is more urgent than that.

Fr the Founder:

We have a clear example in case 1 of an attachment; how it blocks perception. Practitioner was so attached to her own circumstances in 2011 that she had no clue what the Light Beings (LB) was talking about and kept asking the same question.

Now she will realise how many layers she had to breakthrough before she knows what she knows now.

7. Source Teaching & The CLT System

7.1. Need both energetics component & Source Teachings for ascension

Following is the transmission from Light Beings (LB):

LB CLT is a system, a system (for building light energy to study Source teachings) to help students in enlightening themselves to the teachings. You need a system. (A system to facilitate the process of enlightening by ourselves. We do not advocate the older method of mechanically shackling or controlling the unconscious with precepts. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. It would be inconsequential for one to follow precepts without going through a process of enlightening. Rather, we unshackle or liberate the unconscious through the process of building more and more illumination in the unconscious mind.

CLT teaching is the way to use the system, to understand, to awaken to Source teachings. There is a system in which you can apply. The system is in the School. The School is the system.

F The public, the people who do not accept crystals but they accept principles. So, do we teach them Source teachings without CLT system because CLT system consists of energetics?

LB Why can’t they accept crystals?

F Because they don’t have the concept of ..

LB Then make them aware.

F So, that means you cannot separate Source teachings from CLT system. It is part and parcel of the system.. in totality.

LB That brings back to this School, Heaven’s Gift Crystal Academy. If they do not accept crystals, that means they cannot accept the School and why crystals are picked in the first place. Many spiritual schools choose a tool to help the followers, mostly in the form of beads which are made of all different kinds of materials. This School uses crystals for the reason which is very different from theirs. Crystals are also the tools. As you know the properties of crystals as compared to other materials, it is the MOST advanced tool material available. First understand their resistance in accepting crystals. Mostly are because they have been misinformed.

The CLT system, when one belongs to a system and from it, imparted of the Source teachings, that’s when you progress and be able to transcend. The system is the School when you are in the School and be with fellow practitioners carrying out your duty to help humankind, learning from the differences of every individual and harmonising with one another, exploring, researching, accessing energy imprints, compiling, archiving, documenting, delivering; all that is part of the system. When the system is corrupted, then you can’t reach out and you find it difficult in progressing. The system is not to be separated from the teaching. Without the teaching, the system doesn’t work.

Without the system in place one cannot be enlightened to the teachings so easily. If one studies the teachings and then contemplated by not being part of the system, how does one ascend?

F Do you mean that they do not know the energetics aspect?

LB Indeed.

F And ascension requires energy.

LB Absolutely. You ascend through the system.

7.2. Cultivation of Energy is necessary for ascension

F And for the present educated minds, I have positioned the system, I have positioned the manner to lead them into the system of cultivation through using the scientific term, entropy because in order for us to access to genetics to change our behavior, to transform ourselves, we need to access the genetic library. And the only way to access the genetic library is through cultivation of the principles.

LB Indeed, that’s true.

F So despite even starting out from a scientific perspective I explain to them why only through cultivation you can access the genetics (by the expression of the three principles) otherwise you cannot complete your human evolution.

LB Yes.

F Because that’s the only that can be accessed, that’s the way it has been created.

LB Yes.

7.3. Cultivation of mind and character is to bring out the characteristics of Light

LB:   Cultivate mind and character, simply put, is to bring out the innate characteristics of Light which you wrote in your handbook. The process of bringing this out requires enormous amount of energy as these have been lying dormant. You need enormous amount of energy to activate them. The process of doing that is the cultivation. Just look at a seed which has been planted in earth. Why do you cultivate a piece of land? The intention is to germinate the seed, to grow, to become a healthy plant. So, it is the same the Seed of Light, bring it out. The seed will germinate in the right condition. So, likewise when you cultivate mind and character you are preparing the condition, preparing the condition by aligning to Light frequency. Without this condition, you can’t germinate, you can’t cultivate. This is what cultivation of energy, cultivate Light energy which is a process of activating this innate characteristic. Once this becomes active, in other words, aligned with Source frequency, you have energy that helps in your ascension. You can only ascend when you are close to God. Piety alone doesn’t draw you close. Being close to God doesn’t mean just thinking about God. It’s to express its characteristic of Light that makes you close. Many do not understand. If one doesn’t understand what the cultivation of energy means, one will abuse the energy. The energy is for ascension, it’s not meant to be abused.

7.4. Why need to cultivate?

The true conditions of the world today were as a result of violations of natural laws. Humans violate natural laws as a result of absence of true love. The foundation of their thinking from which they determine right from wrong is the cause of all the problems. Their perception and expression of love is incorrect. In order to express true love, one has to cultivate first.

If you accept our view that the foundation of your thinking (how you determine what is right and wrong) is incorrect and that you need to change the way you think, then you need to engage in cultivation.

Before a plot of land can bear top quality fruits one has to prepare the plot of land by cultivating it. You have to remove all the weeds and toxicity; till the land with minerals and water. Then only you can plant new seeds (Seeds of love/Light). After that you have to take care, nourish and protect the land and new seeds. Likewise before you plant new seeds of love in you, you have to cultivate yourself.

7.5. Cultivation is the process of building energy

What causes chaos or disorder in anybody’s life (in any circumstance, thing or system)? It is the factor of DEPLETION OF ENERGY as a result of using energy inefficiently (violating laws); without knowing how to BUILD ENERGY for oneself.

In order to restore order, we need to build energy to the level where we are in a state of perfect BALANCE.

How do you build energy? Energy must come from a source. You need to learn (TEACHING) how to RECONNECT to the SOURCE of all energy.

In order to learn how to build energy for oneself during a state of depletion, one has to BORROW ENERGY first.


  1. To achieve a temporary state of energetic balance so as
  2. To enable oneself to study and learn how to apply the teaching for
  3. Reconnecting to Source.

This process of building energy is called cultivation. The purpose of building energy is to sprout our seed of life (Light) so that we can be awakened and STAY connected to Source. (28-8-16)

7.6. Why cultivation is important

It is obvious that if we want to do inter-dimensional travel we have to discard all the bad elements, refine the good ones through cultivation of mind and character. Otherwise we will be filtered out of the dimension that we intended to go, if we still carry all forms of bad elements. By releasing ascension mechanics our practitioners have benefited by being able to identify these bad elements and it is now up to them to dissociate and dissolve them through cultivation. It is wise to take such measures even if they have no intention of making efforts towards ascension. Cultivation is aimed at refining our energetics, genetics and anatomic systems, including the restoration of our Source geometry for the purpose of optimal functioning at higher and higher levels; ultimately homeward bound. There is no reason not to cultivate. Everyone should be taught what cultivation is and why it is so important to practise it.

But when one cultivates, one’s genetic structure is reconfigured in a universal manner that allows sacred information to be imprinted directly to you from infinite sources. This is a process called enlightening.

7.7. Ascending the triple realm through the CLT System

There are many realms above the realm (triple realm) we are living in. And in each realm there are many dimensions. A realm is like a mansion with many rooms (dimensions). And in each realm, forms of life are build-up of molecules (particles of matter) with a specified molecular arrangement of sequencing composition and structure that is relevant to that realm. Beings who reside in a particular realm must have the requisite energy potency to conform to that specified molecular arrangement. Energy is required to hold together a molecular arrangement that will support life. Without the requisite energy, molecular arrangement will 'fall apart' and life will be extinguished. Likewise all forms of life within a certain realm must conform to that specified molecular arrangement. So in order for us to go to the next realm outside our triple realm, we need to use CLT system to build energy to the threshold where we can assemble and achieve the molecular arrangement of that realm. This is how you ascend and exit the triple realm. To refine your mind and character you have to build enough energy to change your molecular arrangement.

7.8. Consciousness

Let’s put “Full consciousness” and “Unconscious/conscience” into 2 separate ends of the continuum for ease of understanding:

  1. State of full consciousness is when one fully aware of the laws & principles and fully connected to Source (fully awakened state)
  2. Unconscious/conscience is what is left of our consciousness after being disconnected from Source/lost connection to Source, lost a great part of our memory including the laws and principles and where our came from (our original Home).

7.9. Focus on study of Source Teachings to elevate our consciousness

We must focus on the study of Source teachings and not waiver from it. When a strong foundation is established that is based on this teaching, we will know what elements to discard or keep from our consciousness.

8. CLT System

CLT is an abbreviation for Crystal Light transmission.

It refers to a way of cultivating and transmitting Light (which contains Light Energy and information) from the primordial Source through the medium of crystal.

8.1. Reversing genetic entropy with CLT System

CLT System is to reverse this fragmentation (entropic) process by substantiating all the lost genetic information of all the four bodies and restoring it to primordial status or the original default settings.

In a depleted state, one is not able to identify where one has violated the law. The CLT Energetics is the component to plug the energy shortfall at a fast speed so practitioners have the energy to study and understand the universal laws, allowing them to identify where they are violating. Practitioners will then be able to stop the violations thus halting further depletion of energy.

The studying of the law is the component we refer to as Cultivation component. Along with the light energetics, practitioners of CLT are taught the fundamental principles of the Universe so that they learn to express energy efficiently and halt the fragmentation (entropic) process.

In summary, CLT is a system to mitigate further depletion of energy, plug the shortfall of energy and by identifying root cause of depletion of energy and start conserving and building energy. It is a system of transmitting the laws of the universe so all could live harmoniously.

The CLT System brings to light/heighten the awareness of these universal laws through the Cultivation component where practitioners study the laws to identify where they have violated and hence stop the depletion of energy.

CLT is a practice or simply a way of living and loving that harmonizes with all of creation and that which will enable us to be in close and conscious touch with the Primordial Source.

8.2. The Primary objective of CLT Practice and Cultivation System

The objective of the CLT System is to reverse genetic entropy by substantiating all the lost genetic information of all the four bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) and restoring it to primordial status or the original default settings.

Genetic entropy is the gradual loss of functional genetic information that causes life to eventually cease.

Through the self-cultivation of primordial energies of light, the process of restoration will give the practitioners the means to meet all life’s challenges by enabling practitioners to have the wisdom to make enlightened choices instead of creating problems for ourselves, and recommence our evolutionary path.

CLT 5E is a system of cultivation practice that incorporates the study and cultivation of the principles and laws of universe to promote human well-being and enhance human energy levels.

8.3. Most fundamental objective for a CLT Practitioner is to establish Source connectivity:

The most fundamental objective for a CLT practitioner i.e. to Reconnect to Source or re-establish Source connectivity. Source connectivity will give us the illumination to discern the truth and lift the darkness (of unanswered questions ) from our minds. So rather than look for answers to life questions externally all the time), don’t you think it is better to learn how to connect to Source by yourself instead and receive illumination /answers to your own questions.

8.4. Components of CLT

8.4.1. CLT Energetics Component

The Energetics Component provides the means for one to amplify personal energy with the infinite power of the universe (Light Energy) and enables one to quickly plug (or use the term replenish) the huge energy shortfall caused by violations of natural laws which deplete energy.

In a depleted state, one is not able to identify where violations occur. When Light Energy is cultivated, one has the energy to study and understand the universal laws and will be able to identify where violations happen in their lives. Practitioners will then be able to stop the violations thus halting further depletion of energy.

In the energetics component practitioners practise specialised exercises and meditation using natural crystals.

8.4.2. CLT Cultivation/Source Connectivity Component

In this component, the CLT System guides one to cultivate the wisdom to handle and conserve such precious energies for self-development and for the benefit of mankind.

This is the component that transmits the universal laws so a practitioner with the energy from the Energetics Practice is able to study the universal laws and identify where violations occur.

With the understanding of these laws, one can stop generating violations which deplete energy and essence further problems/issues in life by living according to these laws.

With the full understanding and application of these laws, one is able to halt further depletion of energy and human essence and will be on the path to reversal of entropy.

The CLT System brings to light/heighten the awareness of these universal laws through the Cultivation component where practitioners study the laws to identify where they have violated and hence stop the depletion of energy.

It is a system of transmitting the laws of the universe so all could live harmoniously.

A CLT practitioner is taught both components and applies both components concurrently.

To summarise it all, by living in accordance with the primordial principles and laws of the universe, a CLT practitioner learns how to harness the forces of the cosmos with natural crystals for refining and transforming the human body, mind and spirit to a higher level of existence.

8.5. CLT System reverses entropy

So, why do we recommend you to practise CLT5E and teachings? It is because we have witnessed the reversal of epigenetic entropy and genetic entropy as well, when energy, information and structure are restored through CLT practice and our healing. In fact, in the beginning our School healed in a manner that reversed even genetic entropy. But the ones who were healed did not receive CLT education that can prevent them from handling their lives in a manner that will restart genetic entropy. Genetic entropy alters the DNA sequencing or the structure of protein in the genes whereas epigenetic entropy does not. So, we decided to reverse only epigenetic entropy through our healing so that we will not remove their opportunity to learn CLT and take responsibility for their own well-being by learning not to continue their old ways that will restart genetic entropy through implementing CLT system. (1-6-14)

Implement measures before entropy strikes

So we are aware now that the human genome is going into entropy as a result of losing genetic information generation after generation. Most of us would think that the problem is far too remote for them to worry about it now. However if you take that jargon and bring it into your personal perspective, it simply means that you will experience a gradual loss of function that is irreversible. To view it closely, this is a frightening prospect to those who are already experiencing loss of functions. For those who are not yet in that position, it pays to know what causes it and start taking measures to address this issue now than get caught off guard later when it strikes. It is just a matter of time. Our genetic predisposition, lifestyle and nutrition determines how, when and where it will manifests.

Loss of genetic information is caused by loss of energy. Expenditure of energy has exceeded one's ability to compensate or replenish it.

So the immediate measures you need to consider and implement to slow down entropy involves:

  1. Lifestyle and dietary changes that enable saving and conserving energy to reduce the widening deficit
  2. Adopting a comprehensive nutrition and supplementation program
  3. Engaging in an advance energetics practice that could replenish and compensate for loss of energy in quick time. If you are aware of the odds of succeeding to reverse entropy, you will know that this is not an option
  4. Participating in workshops and forums to receive continuous and updated information.

8.6. Germinate the Seed of Light to salvage Earth

Don’t wait for the seed of Light to be destroyed. Once it is destroyed, this time it will be forever. It is the will that cause it to be so; the will of the ego. Once the seed of Light germinated, situation can be reversed. That’s why you don’t need a large number to reverse the situation.

When the Earth’s situation is reversed, it sets a domino effect in the Solar system and to the rest of the universes. It can happen very fast, much faster than you can imagine.

8.7. The solution is to surrender to Source

All you have to do is to drop your ego, surrender yourself to Him. Surrendering is to return to Him. This is what surrendering is. You give up your egoistic self, your egoistic nature with all these attachments, you give that all up and you give yourself up to the Source and you are with the Source. As much as you know what to give up, give that all up and you will be there.

The Atlanteans destroyed themselves; they rather destroyed themselves than to surrender, just like you here. Surrender yourself without conditions, with no attachments, surrender with love and this is selfless. This is the truth.

It’s only when you help yourself then only you can help others. If you don’t help yourself and you try to help others, you are operating from ego. The need to help others is because you want to help yourself. If you merely come from helping others, you are exercising ego, without you realizing. Always remember, every help you offer to others, it’s because you want to help yourself too.

8.8. The purpose of human existence

Consciousness is the fundamental creative force of the universe that originates from a formless spiritual identity we call the Source. Source is the eternal spring where all creation emerges from. Spirit beings residing in the non-physical domain are the first creation of Source. These beings are brought to life when being imbued with consciousness by the Source through the synthesis of Light. It is a state of being where one has volition and self-awareness. In order to expand their consciousness, these spirit beings can choose to manifest in physical form to learn and develop through a very long process of manifestation on Earth which science refers to as evolution. (A spirit being’s manifestation on the physical realm is facilitated by the soul that accompanies it. The soul’s purpose, apart from being a chaperone and a scribe, is to find a suitable human body for the spirit’s successive incarnations in the physical realm.)

We know that evolution is a fact. But it doesn’t mean that there is no spiritual involvement. However, we are being constantly bombarded with ideas from science that lead us to believe that evolution is directed by random natural processes rather than by intelligent design. On the contrary, evolution is the process that a spirit being undertakes when it decides to exercise the divine gift of volition to manifest as physical entity in which consciousness can emerge and express itself.

We are indeed spirit beings and we are here to learn lessons that can only be taught in the physical realm. This world which is a theatre of experience that supports us in our learning to distinguish the divine from evil, light from dark, right from wrong and to make choices that will impact ourselves and other sentient beings in the most profound ways. We have been given this extraordinary opportunity to be born a human being so that we can learn experience, grow, cultivate and achieve the stature of an enlightened being that our divine heritage promises us. So don’t waste it. Don’t get caught up with present day social norms that have been created to switch our consciousness off by constantly conditioning our minds with meaningless messages that model us into mere production and consumption beings. This brain dead routine has taken over our lives to such an extent that we have forgotten why we are here.

Why are we behaving like mortals who are devoid of spirit, soul and consciousness? Why are we being told that our existence is mere accidents of physics and chemistry? And that our only purpose in life is to produce and consume as much as possible. We are further conditioned to believe that when we die we are dead and that is the end. This is far from being the truth. In fact, we have undertaken a very long journey manifesting in the physical realm in human form through many incarnations for the purpose of knowing who we really are so that we may return to the Source of our origin.

The concept of reincarnation makes perfect sense. It gives us more than adequate amount of time to learn from our mistakes and improve ourselves through numerous incarnations. However, we must not forget that there are CONSEQUENCES to our choices. If we live a wicked and evil life; if we don’t learn the lessons that we have been given to learn; if we encroach into the sovereignty of others; if we add to the miseries in the world; if we take care of our own interests with total disregard for others, we will accrue substantial karmic debt in our life’s balance sheet. This will have grave consequences for us in our after-life and the following incarnations. Don’t ever believe there is none.

We really need to be careful with what we do with our life. When we do not mend our ways despite having had incalculable number of incarnations, the prospect of facing self-annihilation becomes inevitable. As such, the first thing to realize is that the opportunity given to us is indeed for our spiritual growth and soul-perfection. It is akin to polishing a rough diamond to become a jewel of utmost perfection. Use our life well to grow as a spirit and help others grow in the spirit as well. Obviously there has to be Love, Truth and Selflessness behind all endeavours in our lives. Isn’t this the reason why we are all here for?

9. Light Energy

9.1. Everything in the universe is powered by Light Energy

LB  Life forms are indeed about structures, molecular structures. It is the foundation of the Universe too. All things are powered by Light energy. Whether it is for or against the Source, it is still powered by Light energy. The unconsciousness of the mind go against the Source, thinking that it is stronger than the Source, deranging molecular structure, yet still receiving Light energy. Light energy is not cut off from any structured life forms at all, in this universe, galaxy and the space. Do you understand that?

F Yes but is it natural that in this Universe that life forms decay, break down and (interrupted)

9.2. Molecular derangenebt caused by unconsciousness which goes against the Creator

LB It decays, it breaks down; it is because of the molecular derangement. It’s the unconsciousness which goes against the Light Source but it is still powered by Light Source.

F Does it mean that if a universe that has received Light energy from the Source and after receiving, it has cut off source of connection, that means it has a finite amount of energy (interrupted)

LB It doesn’t get cut off. It doesn’t get cut off from the Light Source. It is just that because of the derangement of the molecules or particles that block some Light Source away. It is still powered by Light Source, no matter what. Nothing gets cut off.

F But what causes its decay despite still receiving Light?

LB It is the derangement of the molecules due to lacking of consciousness.

F That means the life forms within the galaxy have tampered with the molecular structure?

LB Not really tampered with; it is still the choice going against the Source. When you decided to go against the Source, the molecular structure begins to derange. This is what we mentioned to you about decision-making and sticking to it.

F That means even students who have health problems will also have unconsciously and subconsciously made a decision against the Light Source. Would that be (interrupted)

LB This is conscious decision-making because they’ve received teaching from you and they still allow this unconsciousness to flourish, so to speak, in them; by not making a decision to be with Light.

9.3. All molecules arranged by direct Source energy contains higher energy matter

Borrowed energy is direct Source energy. All molecules arranged by direct Source energy contain higher energy matter although the molecular arrangement appears.

9.4. Light Energy is the purest form of energy

Light energy is the purest form of energy from the Primordial Source (from which we emerge). It is complete with energy that never depletes.

It is only with Pure Energy one can arrange sacred geometry and retrieve Source DNA information for reversal of entropy. Light Energy contains information that is coded in the form called sacred geometry which is the language of the universe.

Light energy has the highest level of coherence (order) and it is the most efficient and quickest way to transmit genetic info for healing cells body heart and mind.

Through our observation we can safely deduce that where there is Light, there will be life, energy and consciousness. We derive our energy from Light. Light energy is required for every conceivable process in life e.g. health, success, happiness, healing, thinking, digestion, assimilation, you name it. When one lacks energy, one may not be able to handle life’s challenges.

Where there is no Light, life will not exist. Life and consciousness is made possible because of this living energy that permeates the entire universe.

In nature, Primordial Source transfers evolutionary information, energy and matter to all life in the universe through the five elements that represent the five fundamental geometrical structures. We evolved with information and Light energy from the Primordial Source.

Such being the case, we must indeed focus our attention on Light Energy and we must find an effective way of cultivating it within our bodies.

9.5. Tapping Light Energy is to help souls return to Source

Transmission 20 May 2012.

Tapping Light Energy is just not to be able to carry out daily activities; to be able to do what they plan to do on this plane. This is to be able to HELP THEIR SOULS TO RETURN TO THE SOURCE, the Source, the place of origin; that is very important and they must get it. Emphasize on to be able TO REPLENISH ENERGY IS NOT THE KEY POINT HERE; that’s not the key point to align to the Source. This is just mainly selfish objective; that’s not the three principles. Everything explained, must be in accordance to the three principles. And it’s only the Source energy that can salvage the soul to return them to the Creator. There are many, many lost souls, souls which have lost their consciousness. And this is very important for them to know. Too much emphasis is on this plane and this is not balanced. There are not enough illustrations on the three principles; examples from every different angle, so that they can be awakened to their blind areas; areas which they failed to see. …It’s not just to educate them how to replenish their energy for carrying out their daily activities. It has got to be a deeper awakening. This is not for them to learn something new, additional knowledge to them. It’s to awaken them, AWAKEN THEIR FOUR BODIES, AWAKEN THEIR SOULS; to awaken their souls BY FORMING GEOMETRY. Speak from the angle of touching the soul, not just for understanding; it’s for the mind to connect to the soul in alignment with the SOURCE. … it is for deepening their understanding not their need, the soul’s need to be reconnected to the Source

Pollution, global situation, human moral values are all declining. These are the signs of moving away from the Source; the further you move away from it, then one is setting oneself for destruction. Connect to the Source is completion, away from the Source means destruction, degeneration. This is what the world is today, heading for destruction. Point it out to them, make them aware of these, GUIDE THEM BACK TO THE SUPREME BEING; return to being complete, whole and complete. This is the message; THIS IS THE CORE MESSAGE.

9.6. The Soul body

A soul incarnates as a human to learn lesson in life thru many lifetimes with sole purpose of refining human nature. Completion of human evolution is achieved once the beings learns & resolves all Issues & Attachments in accordance with Laws & Principles of this realm.

The emotional body is indeed the soul. The mental and physical body will be discarded at the end of each incarnation. So we shouldn’t be too hung up with the mind. It is merely a quantum processor to assist us in learning.

The soul is a very lovely being that sticks with us through the rough and tumble and takes care of us throughout our journey with eternal patience. It has one main objective that is to bring us home after we complete our lessons. Read the transmission again. Source wants us to return the souls home. Why do you think He mentioned with such urgency? The way humans carry out their lives nowadays with utter disregard for others have endangered the soul with that damning frequencies. We have crossed the red line. Lost disembodied souls and spirits are strewn everywhere to be harvested by counter-evolutionary forces. Humans have been have taken the bait hook line and sinker. 

The Atlanteans have rebuilt their technological empire with our help. They know we possess within us the structure of 'Gods' that they can make use of to achieve their ends. All they need to do is just keep us busy with ourselves while they 'milk' our capabilities. Meanwhile they wipe out divine components completely from our kids. y are still here. Could you see the Atlantean vs Lemurian saga playing up one more time?

We are of lemurian heritage. Peace loving beings.

The Atlanteans have a hand in distorting human origin history and Source teachings with our help obviously. Jesus came to correct the teachings of monotheistic Judaism and gave birth to Christianity. The Romans who were proxies to the Atlanteans immediately incorporated their polytheistic/ paganism religion with the teachings of Jesus to form Catholicism. More distortion took place when Christianity was incorporated to Islam. A superior form of Christanity. The Buddha's teachings were not spared too. The Tibetans incorporated Buddhism into their religion bon. Likewise the Indians incorporated Buddhism into Brahmanism to create Hinduism etc. etc. It is the Atlantean frequencies in these distorted teachings that create so much havoc to humanity. These frequencies keep on dividing and fragmenting everything.

What do you think will happen to the spirit/soul of our children, spouses, family and people who have been hardwired to external drives that society provides them?

9.7. Expending energy externally will cause immortal components to shrivel up and die

When people expend all their energy/ essence externally to achieve human ideals, the transcendental / immortal components within them will shrivel up and die eventually. (It is easy to see now why there is a need to have an energetic system to compensate for loss of energy so that the four bodies could be balanced quickly). How are these people going to ascend without transcendental components? Which realm will they end up in? Not to freak you out but to tell you the truth the Founder has found many deceased people have ended up within the jurisdiction of 'hell'. Hardly anybody gets an angelic send off. It is obvious isn’t it if one doesn’t invest energy/essence in building ascension components for transcending the triple realm. They refer the triple realm as the three realms of heaven human and hell. It is better to find out the truth while you are alive so that you can take action now. Not that you can’t pursue your ideals, you can. But the four bodies should be in a state of equilibrium.

9.8. True frontier for learning about life & creation is infinite. Everything is written in Light

It is the norm for any student to expect to be given a full manual to study a subject but this is indeed a static approach and students can only regurgitate what they study. This is not the correct approach for a CLT student. It is because the true frontier for learning about life and creation is infinite. And everything is written in Light. A CLT student has to use the system to read the hidden manual that is written in Light. For the deeper truths are hidden and cannot be spoken. This is the path towards enlightening oneself.

CLT is an 'experiential' system. We don’t just sit on our couch in the warmth n comfort of our home and read about pure love. We have to go out on a limb and experience pure love.

9.9. Use Light Energy from CLT System to correct molecular arrangement

When someone raises a question we are in fact presenting a set of deranged molecules to the listener. The right way to approach it is to use light energy from the CLT system to correct the molecular arrangement to the one which represents the truth to the question so that we can understand it. We require energy to FORM an understanding. Why don’t we all step inside the CLT system? It is like admiring a 'Ferrari' from the outside but never getting inside to drive it.

To understand biology, we need to study the elements of biology so that we can use the elements of what we have studied to understand human biology. Can we understand biology without knowing what a heart or a lung is? Obviously not. So when we are presented with such a question like "why only 3 main principles and not 4 or 5. Is there a significance?" This is indeed a very profound question. We need to study the core of CLT teaching the sacred geometry to answer this question which is referring to the tripod of life. A student must have pure intention to study the teachings.

10. The Role of Crystals in CLT

10.1. Crystals have perfect geometric structure

HG School (Academy) uses crystals as tools to help the practitioners just as many spiritual schools choose a tool to help their followers, mostly in the form of beads which are made of different kinds of materials. The properties of crystals as compared to other materials, it is the MOST advanced tool material available.

Crystals because of its perfect geometry is in constant and natural attunement to the Primordial Source; makes it indispensable medium for cultivating Light Energy.

The regular geometric structure of crystal allows it to absorb and transmit high and stable frequencies from nature to a person or environment. It is a principle that higher vibratory body will override a lower vibratory body with its frequencies through principle of bio entrainment

It emanates a stable and coherent energy field that safeguards practitioners by intercepting and transmuting all negative energies from the environment.

Crystal can be used to transmit Source message because it has perfect geometric structure.

This is the transmission medium of the CLT System and the medium chosen to transmit Source teaching.


10.2. Crystal is the purest form of matter and is the materialization of Light Energy

Crystal is the perfect tool for studying energy, because it is the purest form of matter and indeed is the materialization of light energy. The intangible has become the tangible for us to teach you about it. You can touch it, feel it, see it, examine it, study it, investigate it and learn how to expression light energy in classroom settings.

11. Comparative study between CLT and other systems

1.1. How is CLT System different from other energetic practices such as qigong?

Cosmic energy or qi is classified as subtle energy. Qi gong is a system for cultivating energy called qi which based on a set of foundational principles.

CLT is almost similar in a way because we all cultivate energy but with crystals. However we call the form of energy we cultivate as Light Energy and the CLT energetics is taught concurrently with a set of universal principles; without which we can’t cultivate Light Energy.

11.2. CLT’s perspective of Buddhism

To help in understanding the CLT structure, here is a comparative study of other teachings prepared by the Founder:

If you focus Light Energy on the core of Buddhist teachings (wisdom/samadhi precepts) you may find semblance of CLT structure:

1.Vehicle (Samadhi-meditation)

2.Connectivity (Precepts to facilitate connectivity)

3.Destination (Wisdom/Enlightenment).

So item 2 must be practiced concurrently with item 1 to arrive at destination item 3. At least this is how it appears to us from our perspective.

Buddhists embrace and express their precepts. While we embrace and express our three principles. It is evident that whichever cultivation practice one follows - the only way to achieve connectivity is by observing Universal LAWS that guides one's morality. In our case the three principles is the foundational principles of all Universal Laws.

To achieve Source connectivity we need a Source moral compass (the three principles).

When we use light energy the right way, we may help shed light on other practices. So one should contemplate when one develops Light Energy potency. For example it is evident that Precept (connectivity) is for the purpose of Samadhi meditation(vehicle). One needs connectivity to power the vehicle. By observing the precepts one decontaminates and quiets the mind for Samadhi meditation.

Buddhists are indeed practising energetics when they sit down and enter a tranquil state. When a person calms down and settles his mind, energy from the cosmos starts to gather about his body; achieving the effects of practising energetic exercises without motion. Again we see here the importance of building energy. Consequently with constant practise the vehicle will be empowered to a point where the destination Enlightenment could be attained

Thru this form of energetic practice and connectivity a Buddhist can enter into samadhi and continuously improves himself in samadhi to attain Enlightenment. He will then see the truth of the Universe.

With the understanding we have just achieved let us now attempt to unravel the distinction between horizontal and vertical practice. But we have to borrow a few elements from Buddhist teachings. Noticed we just mentioned that when a practitioner sits in meditation n quiets the mind, energy from the cosmos will descend n gather about his body. This is evidently lateral or horizontal practice. This is the practice of an Arhat which is for personal salvation.

The boddhisatva ideal or vow seeks the salvation of all beings other than self (similar to our SW.) It is incredibly powerful and compassionate objective which requires Source connectivity thru vertical cultivation practice. They seek deliverance for all sentient beings right down to the last blade of grass!!!

12. Preliminary phase of CLT System – CLT 5E System of Borrowing Energy

12.1. Sequence during borrowing energy phase

The Founder encountered two major problems while introducing the CLT cultivation practice to the mainstream. Firstly, CLT is relatively new and unknown system. Generally, the only kind of people that will most likely be interested in CLT system are those who are mired down in human problems or those who are heading for catastrophic circumstances. Secondly, the energy shortfall that they need to replenish in order to achieve resolution is humungous.(It is imperative to point out here that resolution of any problem or the fulfilling of any task requires energy.) As the circumstances are usually dire, the resolution has to be quick and comprehensive for them to have any interest in practising CLT at all. In order to promote CLT, the Founder had to resolve these two problems first by introducing:



Since most people have not heard about the CLT vehicle nor the ‘manufacturer’. So the Founder had to tank up the CLT vehicle and let them test drive while the basic operational procedures are being taught. Without committing themselves in any way, they are given time to decide whether the vehicle is suitable for them or not.

The practitioner has to follow these operational procedures:

1. To achieve a temporary state of energetic balance and source connectivity with borrowed energy from 5e practice

2. To enable one to study and learn how to express the Source teachings

3. To enable one to have a sense of what reconnection to Source feels like spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Finally, to gain enough trust to make a reconnection to Source

Reconnection to Source involves surrendering. So, surrendering is the key to Source connectivity. SURRENDERING IS THE MAIN OBJECTIVE THAT A PRACTITIONER WORKS TOWARD DURING THE PRELIMINARY PRACTICE OF BORROWING​ ENERGY

Surrender is not done by lip service but by making appropriate alignment to Source in accordance with teachings. Surrender must come with alignment.

True surrendering involves one consciously discerning and breaking free from the alignment to the dictates of the Ego and making sincere attempts at aligning to Source instead. Once they trust and surrender, then they are ready to move from the preliminary practice of borrowing energy to practising the CLT system proper which can be simplified as follows:


1(B) MANUAL for vehicle.(CLT teaching)

2.MANUAL for Source connectivity (Source teaching)

3.DESTINATION (Ascension - returning home or return to Source).

1. Borrow Energy from Source via 5E Practice to achieve a temporary state of energetic balance

2. To enable one to study / learn how to apply The Teachings

3. Reconnecting to Source

12.2. The need to borrow energy

To begin with corporate people have already flat-lined their energy a long time ago. So they are running on empty all the time. The reason being that they keep moving against the tide re violation. Once you violate and not correct it you will lose energy and perpetuate more violations. With the little energy you borrow you must address the emerging/repeating issues immediately. The only way to bridge the huge energy shortfall is to focus on conscious expression of the teachings not with mental techniques as suggested. There is no alignment to the teaching. The four bodies are disconnected. We study/believe in one thing and we do something else. Even in the most energy demanding circumstances when you are able to express the teachings you actually CONSERVE. Scrutinise your own thinking. Read what you write closely. The answer is there. There is no mention of the EXPRESSION OF THE TEACHINGS/3P at all. begin with if WE don’t take care of your body in accordance with the teachings and use it the way we like to fulfil our corporate and personal demands you are already harming the body. I really thought it was an impossible task to achieve but when I look closely I was violating in so many ways. Read what you write/do and match it against what you are being taught. You would have missed by a million miles. We have to eliminate many pet beliefs that we have acquired thru reading. When you express three Ps the way Light does you can build a universe if you chose to do it. Source has disclosed to us His most profound secret. The moment you feel drained it is already a sign of violation. Furthermore if anyone practises CLT with intention other than to study/express the teachings, it is already a violation of 3P’s to begin with. Expression of the teachings might appear to be terribly stifling to most of us. But this is indeed the secret to achieving high energy potency. It is the key to ascension. So we should identify and look at repeating problems immediately. Otherwise the problem will look at us.

We should all put our heads together and help each other to overcome this critical problem of declining energy potency so that we know how to guide our children. If we can’t solve it at our level they absolutely won’t stand a chance. LB has already given us a guideline on how to evaluate and keep track of our energy level. I hope this simple guideline may be of help to you.

"You must feel different (better) everyday. If you feel that you are the same even a moment ago then you are not getting there yet. This is how you check yourself YOU MUST NOT ALLOW THIS LEVEL TO DROP. Then you know you are getting there." LB

12.3. Depletion of energy means loss of precious minerals

Our body needs minerals for managing life processes within us. If we don’t safeguard our energy but lose it instead we are losing precious minerals. This is exactly what is happening to Earth now: minerals are being mined extensively. Anything will head for destruction if the minerals have been fully used up. Just like the human body when it is serious lack of minerals it degenerates. Everything is built on minerals. When one is devoid of minerals it is a sad ending. Earth is also heading for the same direction; minerals have been mined and manipulated. And in the end this will change the blueprint of His creation. And in the end Earth will be destroyed as a result of the tampering of its precious minerals. LB

So don’t take this issue lightly. We must not allow our energy to be drained from us.

12.4. Practitioners allowing fixed patterns to drain off their energy

Pls read transmission materials (note SW = Service Worker):

“They allow these fixed patterns to drain off their energy and remain wondering why.”

LB Yes, as you have been told repeatedly, most of the students do not apply the principles in their lives. All these are the very clear signs of misalignment; the outburst of emotions and also non-receptivity of the teaching. The way to come out of this, is the only one way; that is to let go of the bondage and to align to the Source for help. Many of you are frightened of losing the identity, the false identity which you have adopted these many years. It is their false identity that forms a barrier to reaching out to the Source, for these false identities are formed, not in accordance to the laws.

There is no problem which cannot be resolved by applying the three principles, which are the core values of the teaching. It’s because of mistrusting, distrusting and false identification that leads one to the state that one is in. If the level of trust is strong and firm in the Source, one will be free, one will be liberated, one gains higher level of wisdom and not get stuck in this whirlpool. The master made it very clear to everyone in his discourse last night and yet it has still fallen on some deaf ears. That’s the way with human beings. They are used to being stuck in their problems even though they feel that they are desperately trying to get out of it. In fact, they got used to this fixed pattern, that is why it makes it difficult for them to let go of whatever they hold firmly on to. They allow these fixed patterns to drain off their energy and remain wondering why.

Pls read Transmission materials re LB advising SW to surrender himself:

LB Yes, just climb up, surrendering yourself, you don’t plan what to surrender, you don’t plan what to give up; just surrender yourself. Surrendering is to allow yourself to go up on a different level, to hold whatever is given to you; allowing that to be embedded in you. It doesn’t take any strategizing, any planning; doing it with sincerity, doing it without any worry. That’s the way to be. Part of you has decided to do that, other parts of you are resisting in doing it. You have been helped by your master. Just follow what he says; follow completely what he says, without analyzing, feel what he says to you. See it from the way he sees it. That will be easier. If you remain seeing it from the way you see it, you get stuck, you will be drained. Drop this identity of yourself; it’s like taking off the shell, many layers of shell that you put on. Just do as what you are told to do. He will help you, only if you pull off the shell. Your role here is not the role you have assumed. Your role is to be with your master, help him in his mission. This is the role that you have decided for yourself in the past. That’s the main role for you; not to worry about your family. You will be able to take care of them but you must first assume the role you have decided for yourself.

SW I find it very hard to allocate my time between School work and my work outside which kind of overwhelmed me, what’s happening.

LB Yes, it seems overwhelming until you have surrendered yourself; nothing will overwhelm you. You will be free, that’s for sure!